Music department of Shri Shivaji Mahavidyalaya, Barshi affiliated to Shivaji University Kolhapur was established in 1993-94. Music Department offers BA music degree course, Music as an optional subject. From 2004 onwards Department is affiliated to Punyashlok Ahilyadevi Holkar Solapur University, Solapur. The strength of the Music Department is satisfactory. The students of Music Department have 100℅ result in University Exam. They are actively engaged in various activities like research, cultural programs, University youth festival, Inter University West Zone youth festival, Indradhanush youth festival, Utkarsh NSS youth festival, NCC Camp, Police recruitment. Golden Girl and Golden Boy awards to Swati Kamble, Swati Janrai, Mukund Jadhav, Mahesh Kshirsagar, Akanksha Deshpande, Snehal Vidhate. Three of our students have qualified UGC NET exam. Dr Jaibhim Shinde, Ku. Vijaya Shinde, Shri. Karan Honmane. Dr. Jaibhim Shinde qualified NET, JRF and Ph.D at Shivaji University,Kolhapur. Karan Honmane has started Ph.D at BAMU, Sambhajinagar. Music Department has organised National level music confer in 2014. One day workshop was organised on Folk Music Of Maharashtra. Five days workshop was organised on music and drama by Alumni Madhura Panase. Akanksha Deshpande composed and presented 11 and 12 std poems. Students participated in International conference,Hindi day, Marathi day celebration. Students participated in Lions Club, Rotary Club Programs.
Sr.No | Course/Program | Date of Establishment | Intake capacity |
1 | Junior Arts (11th , 12th Std.) Vocal Light Music | 2007-08 | 10 |
1 | Under graduate B.A. Music | 1993-94 | 24 |
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Shri Shivaji Mahavidyalaya, Barshi Shivaji Nagar Barshi Tal-Barshi Dist-Solapur 413401
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