Best User Award in the year 2018-19 to Mr. Shubham Misal BA second year student from Our Principal DR. Thorat P.R., Office Superident Mr. Bhausaheb Patil, Librarian Mr.Kulkarni R.H., Assit.Librarian Mr. Ghavate H.N.
Best User Award in the year 2022-23 to Deshmukh Rohan of Bsc II year student from our Principal Dr.Shaikh A.B., Library commmitte member and NAAC Co-ordinator Dr. Pawar S.D. And other Library committee member.
Best User Award in the year 2022-23 to Bushra Shaikh of Bsc II year student from our Principal Dr.Shaikh A.B., Library commmitte member and NAAC Co-ordinator Dr. Pawar S.D. And other Library committee member.
Library Best User Award for the year 2023-24. Dr. Sathe K.K. is the winner of this award and Award given to him by Our Vice President of Shri Shivaji Shikshan Sanshta’s Mr. Nandansaheb Jagdale , Principal Dr. A.B. Shaikh, Vice President Mr. Ovhal sir and KRC Head Mr. Kulkarni R.H.(Librarian)
Library Best User Award for the year 2023-24. Dr. Shinde R.C. is the winner of this award and Award given to him byPrincipal Dr. A.B. Shaikh, Dept. of Physics and HOD Dr. Kothawale R.R., HOD of Marathi Dept. Dr. Parase B.B. and KRC Head Mr. Kulkarni R.H.(Librarian)
Library Best User Award for the year 2023-24. Dr. Shinde R.C. is the winner of this award and Award given to him byPrincipal Dr. A.B. Shaikh, Dept. of Physics and HOD Dr. Kothawale R.R., HOD of Marathi Dept. Dr. Parase B.B. and KRC Head Mr. Kulkarni R.H.(Librarian)Library Best User Award for the year 2023-24. Mr. Ajitkumar Tale M.Sc. I year is the winner of this award and Award given to him by Principal Dr. A.B. Shaikh, Dept. of Chemistry and HOD Dr. Gaikwad S.H.. and Dr. S.H. Patil , KRC Head Mr. Kulkarni R.H.(Librarian)
Library Best User Award for the year 2023-24. Miss. Bhushra Shaikh M.Sc. I year is the winner of this award and Award given to him by Principal Dr. A.B. Shaikh, Dept.of Zoology Head Dr. chati R.S. . and Mr. Kulkarni R.H.(Librarian), Assitant Librarian Mr. H.N. Ghavate, Library clerk Mr. J.Y. Pawar.
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